Thursday 8 May 2014

Warriors of Rohan

Some additions to my growing painted LoTR SBG collection in the form of Warriors of Rohan. When I started this I thought to myself “Rohan, they’re cool models and should be easy to paint”. Wrong!
When I got into actually sitting down and applying wet stuff with a brush I noticed just how detailed they are in places whilst in others they seem to just blur together with very little definition between clothing and anatomy.
Additionally I completely forgot that mounted models can become dismounted. Thus requiring additional figures to represent said two legged warriors. Grrrrr

Anyway once I’d done a test figure and applied the rather laborious shading method I’d chosen for their cloaks (Vallejo heavy dark green, Russian uniform, Russian uniform and Goblin green, Sepia Wash, then repeat) I crunched through enough figures for my Battle Company. So that’s 3x Throwing Spear, 3x Hand Weapon & Shield and 2 x Bows.

We haven’t actually started the campaign yet as a couple of the guys have been on hols however hopefully we’ll get going towards the end of May.

Andy and I did have a very enjoyable game of the Wrath of the Rohirrim scenario published in White Dwarf the other week. 15 riders with Eomer and a captain try and destroy the Uruks/Orcs near Fangorn whilst hopefully allowing Merry and Pippin to escape.

No pics unfortunately, which is good as my riders aren’t quite finished however it was one hell of a game, trying to catch up to the fleeing Orcs/Uruks while they leg it for the forest (bad idea going in those trees!) proved to be quite tricky, especially when Andy kept throwing Uruk speed bumps in front of my riders.

In the end it came down to Eomer trying to run down the last Orc carrying Pippin before he got into the forest (Merry already being freed by some rather lucky bowfire!). After a tussle with Grishnakh that saw Eomer use up his might pints it came down to who got priority in the next turn, and unfortunately Andy rolled highest. If I had just had that last might point I could have called an Heroic Move as Emoer was close enough to do some serious damage to the hobbit toting Orc but it was not to be. Cue Andy gloating as his Orc runs into the forest, sticking up two fingers to the “B**stard of the Riddermark” (as Andy has taken to calling him!).

We’re going to run through it again in a few weeks when I’ve finished some more riders and hopefully I’ll get some pics.

Anyway here's a few pics of said Warriors of Rohan in all their glory.

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