Thursday 20 March 2014

Buildings - My Church has a graveyard!

After finishing off my Warbases church some time ago I thought that it looked a bit lonely and decided to throw together a graveyard out of some spare bits I had lying around.

So I enthusiastically cut some hard board (far too big), stuck some grave stones down (too many), used some textured plastic for the walls (far too fiddly), laid some paving (more fiddly plastic), textured the whole thing (too messy) and painted and flocked it.

As you can tell it was a bit of a pain and like most little projects ended up being a bit more time consuming than I thought. Add in the fact that my workspace is the kitchen table (brand new so I got many evil looks from my beloved) and my small writing desk and you realise that I was a little over ambitious.

Any how it’s turned out ok, I quite like the Renedra gravestones, very varied and not over the top. I did plan on adding some trees however I may leave that as it will end up a little cluttered for gaming.

Next up is the small industrial district of Little Minching (Warbases Warehouse and Modular buildings).

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