Ok so I said I’d do an update of my haul and here it is. I
managed to trawl through it all last night and pull together the disparate bits
in to some form of order. I’ve now got the sticky problem of deciding which
bits I don’t want and would like to trade, Hmmmmmmmm.
So in no order of preference here’s what I’ve managed to put
together through various acts of grovelling, cajoling, bartering and just plain
Gilgalad, Elrond, Haldir, Galadriel, Glorfindel, Mounted
Arwen with Frodo, 13x High Elves with 2 handed weapon and 12x Highelves with
Last Alliance
Elendil & Isildur, Boromir of the White Tower, Denethor,
Faramir, Imrahil and 14x Last Alliance plastics
Saruman, Sharkey, Radagast and Tom Bombadil
The Shire
Farmer Maggot and his hounds, Bilbo Baggins
The Fellowship
Plastic Gandalf, Aragorn (sword raised), Aragorn (Mtd King),
Aragorn (Mtd ranger), Aragorn (Running sword), Plastic Gimli, Metal Gimli,
Legolas, Merry (Esquire of Rohan), Frodo (metal), Sam (metal), Frodo (plastic),
Sam (plastic), Merry (plastic), Pippin (plastic), Boromir kneeling.
6x Spears, 6x Bows
Uruk Hai
Lurtz (bow), Lurtz (sword and Shield), 3x Uruk Scouts
(metal), Uruks with Merry & Pippin, Uruk Captain.
24x Warriors of Rohan, Mounted Theoden
35x Goblins (sword and shield), 50x Goblins (bow), 49x
Goblins (spear), 2x Cave Trolls (metal)
King Dain, 7x Khazad Guard, 4x Khazad Guard (damaged axes),
2x dwarf (2 handed weapons), 2x dwarf (sword and shield), 1x dwarf with bow.
Company of Thorin Oakenshield
All apart from Thorin and Bilbo.
Now what the heck am I going to do with this lot. Well it
looks like I’ve got a Goblin army for War of the Ring doesn’t it. I just have
to come up with a paint scheme that suits a factory style process! I’m tempted
to keep the elves simply because the models are quite cool and will probably
paint up well but I’m not sure about the last alliance men and Gondor metals. I
definitely don’t want the haradrim as that part of the Tolkien world doesn’t interest
me, nor do I want the dwarves so they will have to get listed for trade me
thinks. I’ll keep Saruman but the other wizards can go as well (I don’t like
the Tom Bombadil model or the Radagast one. I much prefer the way that
Sylvester McCoy portrays him in the Hobbit!).
So what do I still need. Well I still need to source both my
Rohirrim and Uruk Hai although I’m probably ok for characters for the Uruks. But
I do need Rohan Characters as I intend on starting my campaign in the Westfold
so need Theodred, Erkenbrand, Eomer, Hama
and Elfhelm. Not to mention the metal Gandalf (because he’s ace), Boromir,
Merry and Pippin.
So still a little ways to go however when looking at my haul
and then my spend to date (£31) I think I’m doing pretty well. I’ve managed to
acquire 396 mini’s at a ratio of roughly 7p per mini, and yes some of them are
plastic, some metal and some large models but it’s a good way to measure
success and keep yourself motivated. I suppose part of the appeal of starting a
project like this is the challenge itself.
So, on to some more trading I think.
Oh and here’s a WIP shot of the plastic Gandalf that I
painted up whilst on holiday the other weekend. Still needs some washes and a
little more highlights but I’m quite happy with the way he’s turned out so far.
For a better paint job and decent comparison of the plastics vs metal go see
Neldoreths blog - http://www.hourofwolves.org/?view=armies&which=fellowship&thumbs=1