I’ve always had a soft spot for the old UC so when one of my family got me one for my birthday I just had to get it painted. Unlike the Pz IV I talked about earlier this is a Warlord Bolt Action kit and is nice and sturdy with plenty of crew options and stowage.
Saturday, 17 March 2018
Warlord Games Universal Carrier
Posted by Ste
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Warlord Games/Italeri Panzer IV
Posted by Ste
I picked this cheap from a local model store and I have to say I’m not impressed. The Italeri/Warlord link up is producing some weird stuff. I’m sure you all remember the walls debacle from 2016 (I think). Well this range if models seems to be cut from the same cloth, I have two from this range (Pz IV and Tiger 1) and they’re both pretty average kits. The Panzer IV went together ok however the tracks and hull join on the Tiger were awful also both of them are pretty thin plastic, it’s questionable how long they’ll with stand the rigours of hard gaming.
I went for your pretty standard camo although I tried out sponging the greens and browns which seems to have worked out ok, there’s a few filters, inks and washes on there too and notwithstanding the average nature of the kit (it’s certainly not a Rubicon) it was actually quite good fun to paint.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Lord of the Rings SBG Ruins
Posted by Ste
You know how sometimes you feel the urge to complete
something but you don’t want to put loads of effort in, well I had that urge
the other night. My painting queue is huge and hasn’t noticeably reduced over
recent months. In addition I’m in a bit of funk as well and am struggling to
muster up the energy to get stuck in to anything. So I figured that these would
give me a much needed boost without too much effort.
They’re the ruins that came with the Mines of Moria LoTR
Strategy Battle Game published by GW (and now obsolete!). I picked these up off
Trademe (NZ eBay) a while ago for peanuts, they hard plastic and very easy to
paint. They were based on hard card for durability and then given some texture
and a grey undercoat. A few dry brushes and some flock, grass and flowers later
and voila, the ruins of Ithilien!
Quite happy with these, just need some proper building ruins
to complement them now.
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Infinity – Nomads Starter set
Posted by Ste
Damn I wish I could get my head around this game because the
miniatures are just fricking awesome. I’m still struggling with the rule system
as it feels more like a roleplaying game than a miniatures game, guess I’ll
just have to keep trying.
I managed to finish these guys a few months ago, I really
enjoyed painting them, even if it was a bit challenging. The annoying thing is
that the Corvus Belli studio painter is truly stupendous and as such you find
yourself comparing your efforts with his (bad idea).
Anyway these guys are the Nomads starter set, I’ve stayed in
theme in terms of colours but made them a little more to my taste. One of the
things I couldn’t bring myself to do is go down the Manga style with the
colours and mine are a little more muted but I’m happy with them.
Now I just need to paint up the two TAG’s and a Hacker and
I’m all set (to get even more confused by the rules).
Saturday, 17 February 2018
Walmington on Sea Part 2 – Jettys and a Boat
Posted by Ste
It’s not really a seatown without a boat of some kind and as
I mentioned in the first part of this post that I’d be making a boat I’d better
show you what I achieved. It was surprising simple really, cut a base shape out
of 5mm foam board, stick some card sides on and leave to dry for about 4 days
(just to make sure they don’t pop off). Then build various bits that make it
look boaty (Cabin, mast type thing, maybe a hold). Mine looks a little like a
boat/barge more than anything so I’m gonna say that it’s an inshore freighter
that can travel upriver.
I may have to give it another go and make something a bit bigger.
So where can you board this wonderful contraption, why at the jetty of course. These were easy and annoying at the same time, the usual materials were used of coffee stirrers, some balsawood and pva. I quickly realised that to get the strength whilst meeting my need for speed (CTA was coming up fast at this point) I’d have to use the trusty glue gun for the framework. Don’t you just love all the blisters you get from burning yourself on hot glue? Such fun.
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Walmington on Sea Part 1 – Building the Docks
Posted by Ste
When we decided to put on another Bolt Action demo game at Call To Arms 2017 we had a robust discussion about what the theme should be. I did my usual and stuck to my North Africa, desert obsession (one track mind!) however both Ash and Bryan were keen on exploring something a little bit sillier and we settled on Dads Army. Coincidentally Warlord Games had just published the Sealion campaign book so it was definitely a timely choice. In addition Bryan does a rather amusing range of Dads Army impressions and so the mood of the game was very quickly given a comedic feel.
First things first, roles? I volunteered to be Gamesmaster and generate the scenario with Ash opting for the dastardly Hun and Bryan the plucky homeguard. Now as GM I quickly realised that Walmington on Sea is just that, on sea and as such it would need a seafront.
So rolling up my sleeves I set to trying to build what could convincingly pass for a seafront/wharf/docks.
Ok, so the first task was to build the sea wall, luckily I had recently acquired a bunch of scrap polystyrene sheets, and with judicious application of pen and ruler could pass for a wall of sorts. Topped with thick card embossed with a biro to look like paving and I had a wall
Next was to get some water made. Not being familiar with all the plethora of fake water products and also being a complete cheapskate I opted for texturing a board and painting/varnishing to achieve the effect. So in steps Mr Polyfilla and Mrs Acrylic paint, liberally applied and then using a straight bit of sponge to stipple waves at the diagonal.
I’ve noticed now that we live next to the sea that generally waves roll in at an angel to the shore so that’s what I opted for. I mixed the polyfilla and paint before application so I wouldn’t have to paint the waves. Once dry it was a pretty straight forward thing highlight the waves with white and then slap three coats of water based gloss varnish on.
Next up, jettys and a boat!
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Life Gets in the Way

Posted by Ste
We all have to adapt to the environment we occupy, mine
recently has been busier with work and home pressures to the point that
blogging has had to take a back seat. Luckily my hobby activity has not and
I’ve been feverishly beavering away in the background in my leisure time but
simply not been bothered to blog about it.
Well that changes now! (I just pulled a very determined
Winston Churchill type face whilst banging the table).
So what can you expect from the Blog:
- · Infinity models
- · More Bolt Action
- · Making the docks for Call to Arms 2017
- · A write up of Call to Arms 2017
- · Overview of the Tawa Strategists (our new gaming club)
- · Gaming with kids – Lessons Learned
- · LOTR/Hobbit event write up.
- · Gaming Rooms!
- · Cowboys!
- · Club night
And that’s just what’s planned, I’m sure there’ll be plenty
of stuff that just happens (you know how life is!).
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