That's right I've now completed everyone's favorite Middle Earth movie creation - Lurtz. I've got two of these models, this version and the one with the bow and I'm not sure which is my favorite.
In the game he's got no particular special rules, he's not even that good with the bow however he's nice and cheap, he's an Uruk (and therefore hard as nails) but more importantly he has 3 might points which makes him mighty useful (did you see what I did there?)

Anyway seeing as I was painting an Uruk I thought I'd better give him a warband to lead. Unfortunately I've still to source enough metal scouts so Lurtz will have to settle for some regular Uruk tanks. So now I've only to finish off some Warg riders and a few outstanding random models and bits I'd scenery and I've cleared the decks ready for the start of the painting challenge!

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