Saturday 28 June 2014

The Lord of the Rings SBG AAR - Rohan vs Isengard (Grudgematch)

And so here we are again, Andy and I facing each other down in what has become a personal vendetta for the Uruk Hai of Isengard. Following our last battle in the empty plains close to Dunland it became clear to Gandalf that Saruman had chosen to side with the Enemy in the coming war. Therefore rather than risk the ring falling in to his clutches, Gandalf enlists the aid of Eomer and his small force in rescuing Frodo and the ring.

Racing up the North-South road and passing through Tharbad Gandalf learns that Saruman is now taking a personal hand in the recovery of the ring and is leading his marauding band of Uruk Hai personally.

Obviously this bears no relation to the actual story; however we’re working on the assumption that after Gandalf discovered the truth about Bilbo’s ring in his search of the Minas Tirith archives he journey’s back to the shire via Rohan where he encounters Eomer. After he explains how King Théoden’s court has changed and the actions of Grima and his band Gandalf rightly realises that Saruman has betrayed them (he’s quite bright is our Gandalf). So no wizard battle at Orthanc but rather a race against time to prevent the capture of the ring before Frodo has chance to set off on his journey.

Board Layout
The board was laid out to represent the beginnings of civilisation near Bree with a smallholding in the north east, scattered trees and two small woods in the south east and south west and two hills on the south edge and northwest. We were playing a pitched battle so both split our forces equally with Andy deploying his first half 18” in, then alternating deployment 12” in.

Deployment and Forces
I took the same force as last time however Andy decided to counter Gandalf with Saruman, therefore dropped his Shaman, Uruk Captain, Berserkers and Crossbows. As we were playing a pitched battle we set up pretty much as a battle line, however Andy’s troll was forward of his line and Eomer and a couple of Cavalry were to the left of my line as a mobile reserve (with Gandalf supporting).

Opening Turns
Andy won the priority first and advanced his damn troll straight towards my Rohan Warriors. With a low Fight and Strength value my warriors would have a problem doing anything with the beast however I endeavoured to take it down. And therein lay my first mistake as I should have just sidelined the darn thing through clever use of control zones and one on one fights.

So instead I focused a blizzard of bow fire and throwing spears at it causing no damage whatsoever. Meanwhile Andy moved his Uruks up my left flank whilst Saruman supported the main attack in the centre. I dithered a little and placed my warriors and Gamling in poor positions in the middle which Andy took advantage of quite early on, pushing me back with his Troll and following up with Uruks so as to block my movement. 
Ignore the damn thing Ste, don't feed it troops
I managed to get Eomer into combat on the left flank however by this time Andy had outmanoeuvred me and pushed hard up the centre, and in a very clever use of Might points had called a couple of Heroic Combats that saw Lurtz carve a path from the rear to threaten Gamling in my front line. I say from the rear because I did manage to spot an opportunity to trap said Troll after Andy left a gap between it and his supporting Uruks. Hence the rather clever Heroic Combat that allowed Andy to smash down a warrior with Lurtz and then move forward freeing up the Troll to fall back should it not win the fight.

Meanwhile Eomer slew his opponent on the left however his fellow riders could only wave their rubber swords around in a feeble imitation of combat. Andy then won the next priority and plunged as many Uruks as he could into combat across my battle line. I responded by throwing anything I could into my left flank to try and rescue Eomer and had everyone else shielding to try and slow down the Uruk onslaught.

Meanwhile Gandalf and Saruman had a wizard duel, throwing Will points around like confetti as they tried to drag warriors around, sorcerous blast each other and just generally be a pain.

It’s the End!
Bloody Troll
I finally come to the realisation that my centre is crumbling and I can’t use Eomer as the surgical implement I intended as he’s getting sidelined quite nicely by Andy so I redirect him from the left to the rear of Andy’s battle line and use command to get him into combat. Hopefully I’ll be able to call a Heroic Combat, slaughter the Uruk and then charge headlong into Saruman. Unfortunately Andy has already spotted my cunning plan and moves his only unengaged model into Eomers way. And so I have the only bit of dice luck in the game so far and hurl a desperate throwing spear from one of my warriors at the standard bearer and slay him!


So on to combat and as Andyhas priority he decides the order of combats and promptly butchers nearly everything I have in contact. Even worse we’ve run out of time and can’t resolve the Eomer/Uruk blood feud nor get to the sorcerous duel we were hoping with Saruman and Gandalf.

Stand out moments in the game:

  • Casting immobilise on the Troll only to have it win the combat against Gamling and 4 warriors!

  • Saruman casting sorcerous blast on Gandalf, he then resisting it with his will and returning the favour, to then have Saruman resist it (proper wizards duel!)

  • Lurzt using a Heroic Combat to free up the trapped Troll (damn him!).

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