As previously mentioned I took part in our club's recent Bolt Action Campaign Day themed around the fall of Germany at the end of WW2. Now I won't go in to how well or badly I did (very badly…..!) however part of the reason for taking part was to support the organiser (mate and club member Geraint) and try and promote a less competitive style of play for Bolt Action within the local community i.e North of England.
Anyway I did have a nice British regular platoon lined up which I am quite familiar with however late in the day I volunteered to switch sides due to a couple of cancellations (there's that support thing I mentioned) and thus ended up playing Germans.
Now that would be great if I had any painted up Germans to play with however mine were languishing way down in the painting queue behind The Fellowship, Rohirrim, Uruk Hai, some VSF villains, 15mm US armour, 28mm Jomsvikings, Warbases Warehouse, Sarissa Buildings, 15mm Matilda II's, Perry DAK, Perry 8th Army etc etc etc, ad infinitum! So as you can appreciate not a high priority.
However needs must so I set to with a vengeance and in the space of 5 evenings managed to get a full platoon with supports completed as follows:
Leutnant & NCO
3x 8 man squads with SMG, LMG and Panzerfaust
Medium Mortar and spotter
Stug III G
The only thing missing was an armoured car however as luck would have it I painted up an SdKFZ 222 for Geraint last year so I cheerfully demanded he cough up and loan me the offending article.
So without further ado here are a few pics to satisfy your picture cravings!

Anyway I did have a nice British regular platoon lined up which I am quite familiar with however late in the day I volunteered to switch sides due to a couple of cancellations (there's that support thing I mentioned) and thus ended up playing Germans.
Now that would be great if I had any painted up Germans to play with however mine were languishing way down in the painting queue behind The Fellowship, Rohirrim, Uruk Hai, some VSF villains, 15mm US armour, 28mm Jomsvikings, Warbases Warehouse, Sarissa Buildings, 15mm Matilda II's, Perry DAK, Perry 8th Army etc etc etc, ad infinitum! So as you can appreciate not a high priority.
However needs must so I set to with a vengeance and in the space of 5 evenings managed to get a full platoon with supports completed as follows:
Leutnant & NCO
3x 8 man squads with SMG, LMG and Panzerfaust
Medium Mortar and spotter
Stug III G
The only thing missing was an armoured car however as luck would have it I painted up an SdKFZ 222 for Geraint last year so I cheerfully demanded he cough up and loan me the offending article.
So without further ado here are a few pics to satisfy your picture cravings!

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