Saturday 12 April 2014

Warbases - Modular Terrain 2

I have to say my painting and blogging mojo has taken a bit of a hit over the last few weeks, a project in our personal lives has hit a bit of a snag and isn't really progressing how we want it to. So as a consequence I've been slacking off a bit with the hobby activity.

Anyway as I had a free night due the better half going to her craft club I thought if give myself a bit of a kick and get something finished. So without further ado here's my second Warbases Modular building. I believe this one retails at £4.50, which once again is a steal. The only thing I did differently is mix up some PVA and filler and liberally smear it on to give a rendered look.

I recommend the Warbases products as they're excellent value and they're really expanding their range at the moment. If you're not the super scratch builder like some people but feel you can handle a bit of PVA and card additions then these are just the job!

Now I just have to finish that damn warehouse (4 hours the other night and I only managed to tile one half of the roof!).

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