Thursday 1 October 2015

Winter brings…….new ideas!

Its winter down here in NZ so the long dark has fallen and the storm clouds are gathering, shrouding the lands in darkness, things move unseen in the shadows and Sauron sends forth his legions for the forces of Mordor have little love of the sun (oops I went all LoTRy then.)

Anyway I haven’t been completely idle as can be seen from the picture below, both Ash and I are about to explore a new gaming genre and have been eagerly throwing together buildings and awaiting delivery of mini’s from the far corners of the globe.

I’ve a few more in progress so I’ll share shortly, suffice it to say that there’s helicopters involved (Ooohhhhh!), I suppose if you look closely enough you can make out what the mini is that I've inlcuded for scale.

Can you tell what it is yet?

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