Friday 6 February 2015

Back to VSF - This time its Empire of the Dead

I guess the clue is in the title with this. As a bit of a break from all the Lord of the Rings/WW2 gaming Scott kindly offered to introduce me to the wonderful world of Westwinds Empire of the Dead, a victorian science fiction game that is definitely more gothic horror than sci-fi! 

Anyway it gave me the chance to play with my recently completed Brotherhood of the Black Sun that I submitted for the Victorian bonus round of the challenge, I desperately wanted to get my victorian football hooligan on the board. Anyway on a lovely sunny New Zealand summer day I made the commute after work up to Scott's secluded country mansion to partake in tea and dice rolling, taking both my newly completed models and the Warbases Warehouse model which I had finally completed over the weekend. Scott was keen to see the scale of retail scenery and how it compares to his splendid home made Victorian terraces. I originally thought that the warehouse was a little too large however when laid out next to his scratch built houses it all looks about right.

Anyhow, lets get to the action shall we, the scenario rolled was "Fracas" with both of us having to split our forces and each deploy in two opposing corners of the board. This meant that I could either choose to have two seperate engagements or frantically try to link up my forces to fend off Scott's agressive advances. My faction was made up of a President armed with a heavy pistol and big axe, VP with light pistol and flaming brand, 4 membership in bloody great suits of armour (my Ironmen!) and 1 membership with a pistol and sword cane (purple suit!)

Scott was using his Pall Mall Patrons with President and VP armed with Pistols and swords member ship with rifles, repeater rifles and scoped rifles (arghhhhhh). The game uses a points system where you spend shillings to hire the members of your faction so it was all balanced in game terms but to be honest neither of us cared as it looked like a fun story to play out!

Scott moves his president up through the graveyard to threaten my president who is hiding behind the warehouse while I sneak two of my Ironmen around the terraces (sneak in ruddy great suits of armour, yeah right?). To back up the Ironmen my VP takes aim with his pistol but he must be a little blind not to notice Scott's marksmen taking aim over the hedge!
I try and sneak my other two Ironmen round the other side of the terraces but Scott saw it coming and moved to intervene. Now if only I can get priotity and activate them first I can pulp the annoying bloke with the repeater rifle. Meanwhile my President and his buddy engage in a pistol duel with Scotts president and supporting chap.

"Surprise" comes the muffled shout from inside the armoured suits however I didn't get priority and Scott obligingly gunned them both down.

Not to worry I've got the outflanking manouver,..............ah, that didn't work did it!

My president is getting worried, his minions are falling and the Pall mall Patrons are sneaking round the back!

Not to worry, my VP makes a dash for the marksmen and in a flurry of pistol shots and flaming brand action....... fluffs his attacks and beaten down.

The state of play, I've got two members of my faction left, Scott suddenly remembers the breakpoint rule and advise me that I've lost "Phooey" cries I, " have at thee" and we agree to play on!

and in a stunning display of brutality its President vs President with the Brotherhood of the Black Sun emerging victorious as Scotts' president succumbs to his wounds.

But it was not to be as Scott swarmed my President after easily dispatching purple suit and mobbed him, but not before he despatched another one of Scotts faction.

A belting game with plenty of scope for campaigns and development, I enjoyed it more than In her Majestys Name and will definitely be investing in a copy. Watch this space for more victorian gothic horror sci-fi sillyness!

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