Monday, 30 March 2020

Lockdown post 1 - Blog Blitz

The NZ lockdown began on Thursday last week, no non essential travel,  no social interactions,  stay at home, minimize contact. What am I going to do without some quality mini gaming time.  How am I going to scratch that itch,  get my dice on and smash my opponents into rules twisting mush. 
Huh !
I'm not.  Instead I'm going to follow the rules,  self isolate,  focus on my family,  get stuff done around the house, work from home and just use this time to motivate myself to actually finish some models,  tidy up my painting table and focus on the painting side of my hobby.  
So that means that I'll be trying to post at least 5 days a week during the term of NZ's lockdown (4 weeks based on current projections). It's going to be hard,  but I'm going to try and do it,  that's my commitment to keeping going, what's yours?

Stay safe,  look after yourselves.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Laser cut from Thingiverse

A work friend of mine let slip that their mom had a laser cutter and so I did a bit of pestering and this is the result, a simple bit of 40k/sci fi terrain (some kind of shop I guess) off thingiverse.

There were no instructions but if you've built any laser cut buildings then it's a doddle, this took me all of 15 minutes to throw together.  
Painting was about an hour, I probably could have sprayed it before building and it works have looked ok. 

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Space Marine Sergeant

GW give you all sorts of crap on the space marine sprue, one of the things being a banner pole so I figured that in the time honored tradition of Space Marine sergeants waving things in the air to try and attract all the bullets I'd stick a banner on one of mine.
The nifty design on the banner is molded so unfortunately I can't claim any artistic credit there. 
The text on banner I did with a fine black artist pen (0.05mm), just some random wiggly lines, which at this scale it's all you need.
This guy will probably lead my devastator squad,  simply to see if I can make him last a full game without attracting a whole bunch of flying lead.