Yup, after the nightmare that is moving house I've finally found my hobby supplies and set them up in a discrete spot. Unfortunately the space I had hoped to secretly designate as a game room is:
a) not big enough for a 6'x4' table; and
b) has to be used as a spare room for visiting dignitaries (or parents as some of you may call them).
However the double garage is easily big enough, however it does need some work doing on it. Once it's boarded, insulated and appropriately lit it will easily house a few tables and comfortably store my terrain and boards. We may have to sacrifice one of the cars to the horror that is the New Zealand weather however I'm sure it'll cope.
Oh and you may have noticed the odd 15mm tank on my painting table. It would seem that Panzerschreck has fanned the flames of my flames of war interest (see what I did there). Ash and I have a game tomorrow, late war Germans vs US (bulge based) and I plan on finishing my 101st Airborne soon so I can get a few games in with Panzerschreck team mate Paul. And I have plans for an early war force for next year.....
So hopefully the blog will have a bit more hobby content soon.
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