The players were Me for the Evil side and “throwback to the
Victorian Age” Chris for the Good side. The point’s values were completely out
of whack however we played for fun and the story telling aspect.
Aragorn (without armour or Anduril, after all he hasn’t got
it yet!)
Moria Goblin Captain
10 x Moria Goblins with Spears
10 x Moria Goblins with Shields
10 x Moria Goblins with Bows
Cave Troll
The board had scattered rocks around the edges, a small wood
and an old hayfield in the centre where the good side deployed (caught unawares
Aragorn sends the Hobbits to take cover in the tall grass!). The Goblins were
scattered around all sides of the board, converging on the Hobbits with evil
intent (they are Goblins after all!).
So what happened? Well I could write a full AAR/Batrep
however it would take forever, be pretty dull and without images wouldn’t explain
the action very well. So here are the events in a nutshell:
Hobbits take cover in tall grass while Aragorn advances on
the Cave Troll
Goblins advance from all sides, firing bows and killing (knocking
unconscious!) Pippin
Aragorn obliterates Cave Troll, 6 Goblins and the Goblin
Merry holds off 3 Goblins in the tall grass, Sam and Frodo
defend a wall that surrounds the field
The Goblins take courage tests, generally failing them quite
At this point I conceded as its clear that:
- Aragorn is a TANK
- My Goblins can’t take down the Hobbits without more numbers in attack.
- Never attack piecemeal. The Goblins were arriving in stages and being defeated each time. This gave Aragorn time to whittle down the enemy enough to cause courage tests, and with a courage of 2 I was never gonna pass enough to have enough forces to win.
So what’s next. Well I have a germ of an idea forming in my
mind of a small campaign book (argh, that means I’ll have to write it!) centred
around the burning of the westfold and culminating in the Battle of Helms Deep.
It will focus primarily on the action described in the book, the appendices and
Unfinished Tales. Forces to be included will obviously be Rohan and Isengard
along with the Men of Dunland and the villagers of the westfold (I need a
I’m aiming to collect up all models for each scenario that I’ll
write so I can play it out with whoever wants to play. Luckily I’ve got a few
guys at the club interested so it shouldn’t be too much trouble.
So where am I up to? Well I have some Oathsworn Militia,
about 30 Rohirrim, 40 Uruks and a few MDF buildings for the villages. Just need
the rest of the dramatis personae now. I may have to get some of the excellent
Gripping Beast Dark Age warriors for my villagers as they’ll double up for my
SAGA and WAB forces.
Has anyone else noticed that projects tend to get bigger and
harder once you start them?
NOTE: Pippin can’t die in a game as he’s one of the heroes. Being
naturally a cheery chap I tend to see my good forces fall unconscious from the
enemies blows and then be subsequently rescued by their comrades. The baddies can obviously
fall to the heroes!