Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Fictitious African State - Local Militia

Local militia, not very impressed with western forces coming in to their town and fighting their private little war amongst their wives and children. Whilst not very well armed or trained they have the most important motivating factor in their favour, this is their home!

These are Warlord Games (previously Wargames Factory) zombie survivors. Again not the greatest of models however they do have a good level of dynamism to them, although the pieces on the sprues are really hard to identify what goes where.

If they perform well on the table top I may have to build them some allies!

Monday, 18 November 2024

Early Imperial Romans Artillery

No, this isn't a bunch of howitzers or mortars, although that would be cool. No, the Romans developed a bunch of exciting long range lobbing devices that scared the very living crap out of the cultures they conquered, and as is usual for any wargamer I just had to have some in my growing roman legion.

First up here are my repurposed dwarven bolt throwers as Early Imperial Roman ballistae. The crew are a kitbash of regular Warlord Games EIR and the spares that came with their very nice plastic scorpion kit. I've based them for Hail Caesar as a unit of artillery is usually on 2 models on 50x100m bases.

And here are the aforementioned plastic scorpions based the same way as the ballistae. I quite like the plastic Warlord kit, the crew are better sculpts than the regular legionnaires but still the same scale so don't look too weird. I painted everything in my usual "it doesn't matter too much as I have to paint a bucketload of these because its Hail Caesar and you need tons to make an army" style.

Now I just need to find out if ancient artillery suffers the same curse as WW2 armour - freshly painted means utterly useless in their first game!